Monday, June 21, 2010

'The Boondocks' - 'Pause': Winston Jerome and Ma Dukes

The Boondocks continued their awesome Season 3 with tonight's episode called "Pause" which deals with Granddad trying to regain his youth (for the infinity time) by becoming an actor for Winston Jerome. Before I get to the review, let me just say that I'm going to get some Minty Mango lotion.

The thing about urban culture and The Boondocks is that this show keeps surprising you with where they go with their topics. I can honestly say that I never thought about dedicating an episode to parodying Tyler Perry, his plays/movies, and the people who just obsess over them. In true fashion, Aaron McGruder and company continue to amaze and bring the funny.

It's so interesting to see the popularity that Tyler Perry err Winston Jerome has gotten just for dressing like an old woman and telling the stories of his community. Any other person who dressed like a woman would get laughed at and probably stoned. But for some reason, Winston Jerome gets away with it and actually gets accolades for it. Sure, this episode is a parody, but in this case, it's not far from one.

Having Jerome's play actors become part of a cult just made it even funnier. Especially that one woman who had those zombie eyes that are so stereotypical for people in cults or hypnotized. And despite Granddad wanting to become part of the "cast and crew", he just can't stopped looking at the boobs of his castmates.

The musical number that was headlined by Jerome when Granddad walks into the compound reminded me of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was scary, but yet, so entertaining. The ultimate of mixed feelings. Or you can make the connection to Eyes Wide Shut when Tom Cruise's character first enters the erotic party.

So far, this season has concentrated less and less on Huey and Riley and more on the supporting cast. The boys have maybe 30 minutes of screentime the whole season, and most of that was Huey in the kickball episode. But no matter, the episodes have been great and I just can't get enough.

Some other notes:
  • Riley once again shows his connection to hip hop and his "No Homo" stance which was popularized by Cam'ron. And after Granddad thinks "No Homo" is stupid, he comes around and says it later on.
  • Had to laugh when Winston Jerome's "Jesus" was the white stereotypical Jesus. Not the tanned Jesus.
  • Is it me, or has Huey been losing fights this entire season? First, he gets a draw on the Hateocracy and then he gets tossed around by Winston Jerome's tanned and muscle actors.
  • While jumping over the front gate to the compound, Riley looks so out of shape.
  • Had to laugh at the irony of Granddad (who is voiced by John Witherspoon) denouncing Ice Cube and all his works. Including Fridaaaay! John Witherspoon played a supporting role in Friday.

What did everyone else think?

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