Monday, June 21, 2010

'The Boondocks' - 'Pause': Winston Jerome and Ma Dukes

The Boondocks continued their awesome Season 3 with tonight's episode called "Pause" which deals with Granddad trying to regain his youth (for the infinity time) by becoming an actor for Winston Jerome. Before I get to the review, let me just say that I'm going to get some Minty Mango lotion.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Start

Hi everyone. I just got inspired to do something that I don't think is done enough. There are some awesome and silly shows that just don't get good professional reviews on an episode by episode basis.

I always like a good discussion, even when it comes to funny shows. So, consider this a start.

I will start by doing one show and that will be The Boondocks. I will start with next week's episode and continue to the end of this season. I will then take a couple of weeks and start The Boondocks from the beginning.

It's really late at night, so I will come up with comment rules later and how I will approach things.

Look for reviews to come right the day after since I don't get the episodes in advance.

I look forward to this new project. As I get more comfortable doing reviews, I will expand my show list. I would personally like to start with new shows, but if anyone has suggestions, I will take them. I am thinking about doing Rubicon, the new show on AMC.

Hope this takes off!